Thursday, December 16, 2010

One Foot Over the Line (Day Two)

I have found the detox I am going to follow.
You can see what I found: Detox In 7 Days by Elson M. Haas, M.D.

I have been researching detox's all evening and this is the one I am deciding on. It is simple. Most of these things I either have at home or can get at work. Most of the detox's I came across online had lots of fancy herbs and or pills involved that I want to avoid all together. I have written pages of notes to help me follow this detox to exact when I set my start day.

I have began to prepare myself for my detox. I will not jump right in because that is how I will fail. I have to be gentle with myself and start telling my body that it is going to have to work really hard soon by phasing out some of the poorer quality foods I have been consuming, starting with my sugar and caffeine addictions. I have had to battle cravings today. Today being the first day I honestly stepped one foot over the line of still and progress.

I allowed myself a delicious everything bagel with low fat blueberry cream cheese and a medium cup of house coffee with whole milk, half and half, and EEK! Equal -sugar substitute. I know Equal is bad for me. I know Aspartame is bad for me but it has been a habit as I said to myself, one thing at a time and dumped it in my coffee.

Skipped lunch - also a no no. I was busy running around doing errands so I skipped.

For Dinner I had a large romaine salad with raisins, feta, salmon, croutons, and low fat ranch.

After dinner is when my sugar cravings always kick in. I am even feeling it right now. I am on my second cup of plain, hot, peppermint tea to help with the cravings, but honestly I want to tear apart the kitchen and find some hidden sugar. Speaking of sugar, I threw out the last of my sugar when I cleaned my apartment last night so I couldn't dump it into yogurt.

As I get closer to detox day (TBA) I am going to do a clean sweep of my kitchen. I will be throwing out and giving away everything that I don't need or want for my new lifestyle. That's going to feel good too.

Last. I am pleased to say that I am going to measure myself and take photos of my face and body to document change in weight and complexion before and after the detox than periodically until I move on to something else. This is so exciting. 

If you are reading here, communicate to me your suggested veggies that I can steam. Thanks!


  1. We usually steam broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, baby carrots, and asparagus (mostly in the spring). Nothing fancy )) It's important not to oversteam, because the veggies will be mushy, not very tasty, and lacking nutrients/vitamins.
    Good luck to you and your healthy plan!

  2. Headaches can be caused by dehydration and hunger.

  3. I have found a wonderful veggie to steam (and i really don't like veggies). Soy beans! Boil them still in their pods for about 15 min., drain them and sprinkle a little Kosher salt on top, they are amazing!
