Saturday, December 18, 2010

My New Shiny Knife

I went on a little grocery scavenger hunt today. I shopped at Sunflower Market, Walmart and Wholefoods  and got a smorgasbord of this's and that's to use in some Quinoa recipes. Walmart has come a long way in their selection of various health foods if you know what your looking for. Sunflower market won the prize for best priced produce and all the herb and seasoning are on sale! Sunflower has their own private label which is very good priced. Wholefoods cannot be beat with bulk prices and 365 brand prices, including the 365 all natural eggs, best price anywhere. I liked shopping around to see what kind of things I could get.

I came home and made Quinoa for the first time. I think I put too much water in it but it is a journey. I have ate well today. Not filling well, but health conscious well. I am still dodging sugar cravings. I have developed a tolerable but constant headache behind my eyes. I have been reading that this is one symptom of withdraw from one of the many things that are bad for you. i.e. sugar, caffeine... I have forced myself to go for a fruit and a tall glass of lemon water when the cravings hit. I have also started drinking green tea. Green tea has many heath benefits including digestion heath and antioxidants.

My grandmother sent me a gift card for Walmart and while I was there today, I spent it on my new pride and joy, a beautiful Farberware chef knife. I am learning as I go...Like after I tried to use a carrot peeler on a jicama. This knife is as beautiful as a new piece of jewelry and cuts like a dream.

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