Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Glorious New Year, Detox complete - Going Strong.

Good morning. As I sit here eating my breakfast - water, 100% whole grain oatmeal with banana and cinnamon, I realize, Holy Shit - I have beat my sugar addiction.

I have not blogged my way though the 7 day detox because I felt it better to myself to start a handwritten journal, though I had planned to recap on this blog after the process had been completed. I signed on today and have seen some comments and followers so I hope I can bring inspiration to those who are willing and ready.

So, day one, two, and three where the HARDEST, hands down. I was hungry and though my research as I went I was experiencing a "cleansing crisis." I experienced significant fatigue, irritability, and a headache. I have herd from mentors in the past, "Don't quit until the miracle happens", so I stuck it out...while doing things correctly in order to be sure my symptoms where in fact toxins releasing and not dehydration. I drank PLENTY of water. It states in the 7 day detox that I followed to do so and I made sure to go above and beyond - I know how important it is to water our bodies - and you should too.

At first I had hunger pangs. Espically the first three to four days. When I felt cravings I drank tea or rode my bike. Did I mention I work with food!!? That was incredibly hard - to work in an environment where it is not unusual to hear "Try this!" multiple times in the day. Most of my co-workers knew I was on this detox, and most were supportive...but I honestly did a lot of 'white knuckling' and positive reinforcement to avoid giving in...for example, I was doing this for myself, to change my life though the way I eat.

By day five I was starting to feel the miracle unfold. I began feeling excited to buy new veggies for dinner. An entry from my written journal states..."(9.40am) I FEEL AMAZING. A new door has opened on my life and I walked though it.  I feel so present and available.  My body feels clean. I feel light.  I pray I can keep up after Sunday - eating for my health.  I cant believe how fantastic I feel, I am so grateful today."  I had a few ups and downs thereafter but mainly a smooth ride.

A few funny things happened to my mind and body when I took charge and began to respect real food. My taste for things changed. I started to crave the kinds of vegetables I have been steaming rather than sugar or preservatives or bread or pastries. I started to be able to distinguish flavors in my dishes and the natural sweetness from my morning fruit became satisfying. As I eat my plain oatmeal this morning, the banana in it provides more than enough sugar to make it a delightful breakfast. I became excited to prepare my own meals. I never cooked much in my life, now I am experimenting and bouncing ideas off of my health conscious friends.  My attitude on life gained positive momentum - I feel present and available. My mind became open to peace.

This may sound like utopia but I assure you it is 100% achievable. If you are thinking of trying the 7 day detox, its about why you want to do it - set your goal and focus on that, because that is what will get you though. You must be ready to show up for your own life and take responsibility for your health, mind, body and soul - and you need to love yourself enough to start breaking free of our commercial society and stop putting poison into your body. Be kind to yourself so you can be kind to others.

Love and Light!!

Here is where I started: 7 Day Detox